ICICT 2015 - Call for Papers

We are happy to invite you to submit your research in the areas of information and communication technologies, especially if it relates to Innovative, Social, and Smart technologies. The accepted papers will be presented at the conference and published in ICICT 2015 proceedings. We encourage you to submit your paper to one of the following tracks:


  1. Algorithm engineering
  2. Algorithmic aspects of networks
  3. Algorithmic game theory
  4. Approximation algorithms
  5. Combinatorial optimization
  6. Distributed and parallel computing
  7. Heuristics and meta-heuristics
  8. Randomized Algorithm
  9. Streaming algorithms


  1. Automated Planning and Scheduling
  2. Cognitive Robotics
  3. Computational Intelligence
  4. Computer Vision
  5. Data Analytics
  6. Data Sciences
  7. Evolutionary Computation
  8. Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition
  9. Intelligent Agents
  10. Knowledge Engineering and Representation
  11. Machine Learning
  12. Natural Language Processing
  13. Semantic Web
  14. Uncertain Reasoning


  1. Scientific Computing
  2. Symbolic Computing
  3. Computational Finance
  4. Computational Biology


  1. Analytics
  2. Big Data
  3. Document Representation and Content Analysis
  4. Multimedia IR
  5. Queries and Query Analysis
  6. Retrieval Models and Ranking
  7. Search Engine Architectures and Scalability
  8. Web IR and Social Media Search


  1. Cloud Computing
  2. CS/ICT/IS Curriculum and Education
  3. Data Governance & Quality Management
  4. Enterprise Resource Systems and Change
  5. Information and Organization
  6. IS Security and Privacy
  7. Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
  8. Social Media and Digital Collaborations
  9. Ubiquitous and Mobile Information Systems


  1. E-Government
  2. E-learning
  3. Gender and Technology
  4. ICT for crime/corruption prevention
  5. ICT for Public Sector
  6. Online Collaboration
  7. Personal Learning Environments
  8. Poverty Alleviation using ICT
  9. Reforming Education through ICT
  10. Social Computing


  1. Machine-to-Machine Communications
  2. Network Security
  3. Quality and Reliability of Hardware Systems
  4. Storage Area Networks
  5. Telecommunications & Telecoms Regulations
  6. Wireless Sensor Networks

Research-in-progress submissions are also encouraged. All papers should be submitted via https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icict20151

ATTENTION: Kindly note that unless you present the paper yourself at the conference, it may be withheld from the conference proceedings.

Download ICICT 2015 call for papers here