ICICT2019 solicits original research papers in the areas of information and communication technologies. The accepted papers will be presented at the conference and published in ICICT 2019 proceedings, archived and indexed in IEEE Xplore. For author guidelines on paper submission, format and other policies please visit the website. The following three tracks will be weaved around the conference theme: Next Generation Technologies. Topics in these tracks include, but are not limited to:
I. Internet of Things (IoT)
- Next-Generation Networking and Future Internet Architectures: SDN and 5G networks in IoT, Internet of Nano Things
- D2D and M2M Communications
- Computational and artificial intelligence algorithms for IoT
- Cloud, Mobile, Fog/Edge Computing for IoT
- Mobility management and models
- Massive data reduction and simplification for energy efficient IoT
- IPv6 and other scalable addressing / identification mechanisms for IoT
- Routing and MAC protocols for IoT
- Intrusion Detection, Information security and privacy
- Big Data, data analytics, stream processing and scalable data management
- Wireless Sensors and Actuators Networks, Personal Area and Body Area Networks, Vehicular, Mobile, Adhoc networks
- Performance Analysis Simulation and Modeling, Prototypes, Test-beds, Industrial deployments
- Cross-layer optimization and control, Context-aware Algorithms, Models, Networks for IoT
- Applications of IoT
II. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Machine Learning
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Fuzzy Logic
- Big Data Infrastructure Development
- NoSQL Databases
- Distributed Machine Learning
- Real-Time (stream) Processing and Analytics
- Parallel Processing
- Text Processing and Analytics
- Evolutionary Computation
- Incremental and Online Learning
- Big Data Processing and Analytics
- Cloud Computing
- Security in Data Mining
- Data Mining Applications
- Computational Intelligence
- Speech Recognition
- Video Analytics
- Face Recognition
- Control Theory
- Data Visualization
- Information Retrieval
- Knowledge Management and Reasoning
III. Blockchain, FinTech and Entrepreneurship
- Distributed Consensus and Fault Tolerance Mechanisms
- Security, Privacy and Trust of Blockchain and Decentralized Schemes
- Performance Optimization of Blockchain and Decentralized Schemes
- Data mining and Knowledge Discovery on Blockchain
- Regulatory Framework & Policies for Blockchain Technology
- Mitigating Risks in Crypto-finance
- Use of Blockchain in Distributed Simulations, Big Data, Internet of Things, Next Generation Internet, 5G Networks, Edge and Cloud computing and Cybersecurity
- Blockchain empowered businesses and communities: Financial Services, Digital Currency, Supply Chain Management, Health Management, Public welfare and management, Gaming, Smart Contracts Management
- Digital innovation and Blockchain
- Entrepreneurship Education and Blockchain
- Innovativeness and entrepreneurship for sustainable development
- Agile and Lean Development of Blockchain Technology
- Efficient Fundraising through Blockchain